
A couple Harry Potter questions...?

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I have a couple Harry Potter questions...

1. you know how if muggles found Hogwarts, they would only see a bunch of old ruins... well, wat if a wizard/witch took a picture of Hogwarts (one of those magic pictures, where the moving objects move in the pic) and showed it to a muggle?? Would the muggle be able to see Hogwarts then??

.......................DH SPOILERS...........................

2. In the epilogue of the final book, and Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione and Draco/Astoria are all sending their kids to Hogwarts... How much of an age difference do you think there is between Harry's 2 sons, James and Albus?? Everyone has their own opinion about this. i think there is an age difference of 2 years. what do you think??




  1. YAY, I love knowing people still talk about Harry Potter! And, now to answer your questions....

    1) I think muggles can see any photograph, even a wizard's. But I think if I wizard/witch showed a muggle a photo of Hogwarts or anything magical, he/she would have serious need to do so, or they really trusted them.

    2) The epilogue never explicitly says, but I tend to think there's a two-year age difference between James and Albus.....I personally loved the ending....but reading it was sad: the books were finally over....

    Let's hope Rowling explains it all in the Encyclopedia!!!!! :)

  2. 1. I don't think a muggles are able to see those moving pictures. I think its like when someone asked JK could a muggle do potions since if you had the ingrediants. (she said no). I think you need to be magic to see the magic that had enchanted the photos enabling them to move.

    2. I thought the age gap was 1 year as explained by the previous answerer.

  3. They will obviously be able to se it, because the protection is there to prevent people from finding it, not from seeing it in a picture. The  point of the magical prerection around Hogwarts is for people not to find it!

    There is a year gap between James and Albus, because James is in his second year when Albus starts school...or at least that is what I gather from what Rowling said!

  4. 1. Yes, but the Ministry could Obliviate them, and also no one would be stupid enough to show a Muggle a moving picture on purpose.

    2. The age difference is one year. James is entering his second year of Hogwarts; Albus, his first. This is known because Ginny mentions to an very nervous Albus that James wrote them every week LAST YEAR. It makes sense that "last year" would have been James' first year - thus, a one year age difference.

  5. 1: That's a good question... they'd probably only be able to see it though if it was drawn or something, kind of like only some people can see thestrals and some can't even though they're there no matter what.

    2: I think there's a two year age difference. James seems to act like you're everyday third year ;-)

  6. i guess so

    i belive its 2 or 1

  7. didn't Colin Creevey take loads of pictures to show to his parents. so i'd have to say that yes, it would be viable that a muggle could see it in a photo.

    i think that there's only one year difference in their ages, for the reasons explained in previous answers.  

  8. 1. It's certainly possible. However, chances are that the Ministry of Magic would get involved and obliviate the said muggle's memory.

    2.  I do believe the age difference between Albus and James is two years.  

  9. 1. I Agree with the other people that even if they did the ministry of magic will confiscate the picture and obliviate the muggle.

    2. I always thought there was an age difference of 2 years too because James seems to know about thestrals so he must've went on a carriage the previous year (his 2nd year) so he must be going to his 3rd year. I know other people said how Ginny said that they wrote to James last year but I think 1 year is too less of an age difference, I mean I don't think Albus would be that intimidated by him if it was only a 1 year age difference, but that's just my opinion.

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