
A couple breaks up & they have plans to go to a same place , who 'should not go! the breaker, or the other?

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A couple breaks up & they have plans to go to a same place , who 'should not go! the breaker, or the other?




  1. if you are grown ups --both of you can go.

  2. why not both????????????


  4. i think they both should go and if they see each other, o well, dont act like little kids, grow up about the sitiaution and jus be like, i dont care

  5. Hmmmm...if they are really broke up, how do they KNOW they have the same plans? That means that they are still high schoolers and cannot go to the same place. I agree with one of the others, if they are GROWN UPS, they can both go. One just have to keep his/her pride up and speak and move on. Don't give attention to the one who is seeking it and you will be fine!

    This is a free country, so far, LOL, and one should not allow another to have control over him/her. HE/SHE should go wherever their heart desires. If he/she is sick, does he/she avoid a hospital? I don't think so! Break the control and go wherever you want to!!!!

  6. Sell the holiday on ebay as holidaying on one's own is a bit sad.

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