
A couple of Breastfeeding questions. ?

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I just had my baby 9 days ago and I'm breastfeeding him. So far everything is going good, but I do have a couple questions. I feed him on one breast then switch b*****s the next feeding instead of switching in the middle of the feeding. I know he is getting enough milk b/c he poops and pees like clock work, but is it ok that I do that or is it going to hurt my supply? Also I have to help him latch on, will he be able to do that on his own later when his mouth gets bigger or will I have to help him forever? Thanks for the answers!




  1. First of all, congratulations on your new baby!  Great to hear that everything with your breastfeeding is going well, too.

    For the first 2-3  weeks, your milk will learn to regulate just to fulfill the needs of your little baby.  What you're doing is great!  Feed him on one breast until he empties it (to make sure he gets the fatty "hind milk") and switch to the next until he's done.. or falls asleep. :) I remember my little one did that a lot for the first month.  In the instance he does fall asleep, be sure to offer him your breast a few times before flippin' your top back on.

    As for his ability to latch on -- yes, mamacita, he will!  I felt like that for the longest time too.. like.. Will I always be playing pin the boobie in the mouth for my baby.  I would say my son began to latch on himself in one try when he was around 2-3 months old.    It was at this age that I was able to do the side-sleep nursing position without having to re-latch numerous times.  

    My son is now 9 months old, and he has no problem whatsoever.  Although, he's just gotten some teeth and now we're pumping for the most part.  Yikes!  We decided to use to  use the "breastflow" bottles.. I don't recall the brand.  They require your baby to latch onto it with a simulated "let down" similar to breastfeeding just to prevent nipple confusion.  They're like $10 for 3 bottles at Target.  Not pricey.  We haven't had too many problems,  so I think that may be a nice suggestion in the instance you'll be pumping and nursing directly.

    And if you're at all concerned with your milk supply -- just disregard it.  The stress may further reduce your milk production... so worry not!  If you ever want more, just nurse him and within a day, you'll be able to feel the difference.  Otherwise, pump when your little one is sleeping a few extra times within a day... same effect.

    Hope all goes well!  One regret of mine that I just want to note is not pumping out "extras" when I had such an abundant milk supply to freeze.  Granted, the milk isn't AS miraculous as freshly pumped milk, but it still beats formula!!  If you have a pump, and know that you'll be needing expressed milk... I highly reccomend doing it now!

  2. I have never switched breast in middle of feeding.  Its best to feed of one boob as its the hind milk the baby needs to fill and goodness, they get the hind milk after feeding for a bit on the same breast so if you switch in middle then there is a chance baby wil not get this bit of milk. So your right what your doing :)  Offer the other breast when baby is finished on the first one most of time may not want it but some do so always best to offer just incase.

    You mik supply will be over full until around week 6-8 and this is when you will start to produce what your baby needs by what he drinks, your b*****s almost feel like you have no milk as your used to them being like mealons, then they go so soft but I assure you, you wll have plenty and if your baby feeds more one day your body will make more so your baby will always be getting enough.

    No you wont have to help him latch on forever, alough sucking the breast is a natural instinct some babies need that bit extra help learning how to latch on, I had to with last, you will find he will start to know what to do by a few weeks time and wont need so much of your help .

    Congrats on your baby .

  3. First let me say that the first few weeks of breastfeeding are the hardest.  With that said I have been b/f for almost 7months and the way you are doing it is the way I have done it all along.  One side for one feeding and the other side for the next. Mine would eat every 2hours so it just made since to do it that way and the lactation consultant said that it was perfectly fine if that was what worked for me.  She told me that by doing that I would build my supply for each feeding and cut out on some of the confusion of trying to remember which side I fed on last.  Also if you forget which side you fed on last put a rubber band on the wrist of that side and switch it at each feeding, it helps a lot! It took my little girl awhile before she finally was able to latch on herself without any help but she eventually did.  Breastfeeding isn't easy in the beginning but it is so worth it in the long run!

  4. what your doing is perfect, it is best to have him empty one breast then offer him the other...just make sure you start on the last breast first next time. it wont hurt your supply, it will actually help it. his latch will become easier as you both get used to it. great job!

  5. It's best to offer the second breast.  Baby may refuse, but it's best to offer it.

    Your baby will learn to latch himself on soon.  It takes some babies longer than others, but he'll learn.

    It sounds like you're doing great!  Keep nursing on demand, and never lose confidence in your supply.  You've got lots of milk!

  6. It would be a good idea to get him to switch, but right now he is feeding so often, he is helping build your supply.  Day 9 or close to, they tend to "cluster feed" so be prepared for the pain.  It gets better they will get more efficient.  My little guy is getting better at it daily.  He latches better and it does not hurt.  You are doing great, you don't seem frustrated at all, I commend you.  Enjoy this time and remember how you are giving your child a beautiful start to life.  Keep it up and remember, it always a good to start pumping and saving milk now.  It will help build your supply.  Still feed him from the breast until at least 4 weeks before introducing a bottle with expressed breast milk.  Also, it is good to have at least 100 oz of breastmilk saved in case of an emergency and for when you go back to work.  Good luck, get a Medela pump and Congrats.  Your doing great

  7. yes it is okay to do that and your milk will not drop,, you just gaved birth to your little bundle 9 days ago. Give your baby and yourself some time to learn techniques, different ways to feed and to get comfortable. Best of luck and congrats...

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