Serious One: Which is more Bad@ss, Yami from Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga or Dan Green from Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged?
Can Naruto FLY!?
Challenge 1. Pick Five Anime Characters and each one has to be from a different Anime Series. Now, pick a song that captures their PERSONALITY down to the letter and post a link to it.
Challenge 2. Pick a team of Anime Characters (max 9) that you think would dominate (No DBZ allowed). After that, look at each of the other teams and find one that would push your team to the absolute limit of their powers, skills, and wit!
1. Say you had a chance to meet one of the Regs in person, one of the more....quiet ones we'll say, would you go for it, and who would it be?
2. You're walking down the road and suddenly your least favorite Anime Character pushes you into a pit fall that transports you to the of your least favorite Anime. You have to go through the plot of the series and that's the only way to get back. Could you handle it?
3. Again, you're walking along, this time with a friend of your's and your debating about who would win, Naruto vs Luffy (yes I know it's an old debate, GIVE ME A BREAK!). When all of a sudden, you're attacked by................ what's the worst Anime out there..... something from 4Kids.
4. Ronin Warriors vs Salior Scouts. The old Toonami Anime Power Rangers face off. Who wins? If you don't know the Ronin Warriors, here:
5. Who's the better Archer, Uryu:
6. Who's a better sword fighter, Marth:
7. I know, you all wanted to see the next leg of the story, sorry but I'm suffering from writers block at the moment. Are you pissed?
8. For those that watched Yugioh Season 0 (The one NOT DUBBED BY 4KIDS!) Would anyone have the guts to take on Yuugi and follow all the rules?
9. I'm going to push you to the limits on this one. I want you to find one AMV for the Anime you hate the most with a kick @ss song, and post it here!
10. Does Sogeking deserve a tribute to the song "Second to None" or "Remember the Name"?
11. The Dragonball movie is real! Take a look at these images before saying anything
Will it be worth watching?
12. Last one. What do you think of this background: