
A couple of questions about acne? ?

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Are acne and black heads the same thing? Or part of the same thing?

I have a lot of blackheads and breakouts on or around my nose and chin and I'm wondering what I should do to get rid of it.

Step by step websites would be nice or just instructions from you would be helpful.

Also any advice on just making my skin better looking and nicer would be amazing.

Please help! Thanks!




  1. well, ways to clear acne up is to drink lots of water because it helps clear out your skin. also eat lots of fruits and veggies. but there is no certain way i can help you clear all of yourt breakouts beacause al skin is different and what i use may not work for you. but what i do is evry morning and nite i wash my face with St.Ives apricot scrub blemish and blackhead works wonders, and after dabb a little of rubbing alcohol onto blemishes. and dont use the apricot scrub every day or it may damage your skin so use it every 2 days. u can also go onto  you can tell what products work for you and it will tell whats wrong with your skin! hope i helped!

  2. ok i recomend a facial it is truly worth the money spent and it will get rid of all of ur black heads in one day so try that if u can they can cost as little as $45 with if u think about it is not that bad considering the result

  3. dont care dont care dont care loser!!

  4. use Differen it actually works overnight


  6. acne and black heads are not really the same thing. black heads are your pores that have junk in them and are the beginning of acne. if you don't clear out your pores than that black head gets inflamed and becomes acne. the greatest thing for black heads are the BIORE PORE UNCLOGGING STRIPS. they are not very expensive and could be found anywhere like walmart or walgreens. its like a little mask that you put on your wet face and it hardens into a paper mache feeling thing. you wait about 10-15 minutes for it to get really hard and then you rip it off. ITS AMAZING!! this may sound kinda gross but once you rip it off you can see all the chunks of dirt and nasty stuff that was in your pores on the strip. that lets you know that it is working! the more junk on that strip means the more pimples you prevented by using that. only use it on black heads, dont it use on big pimples because it really hurts when you rip the strip off and makes it worse and all bloody and stuff.

    make sure you also exfoliate your skin every once in a while, but NOT TOO OFTEN!!! don't use oily makeup and make sure your cosmetics are all non-comedogenic. i recommend physicians formula products.

    i hoped this helped! good luck!! =]

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