I am a fourteen year old girl about to enter the ninth grade. My parents have just recently gotten me into the mood of thinking about college, that way when junior year comes around I am not completely oblivious. Right now I am not thinking too seriously, it's just on my mind. Anyway, I was thinking about picking up the cello this year. The type of instrument that I have been looking to play is one that has solo opportunities but does not usually have a spotlight in full band performances. I have a short attention span, so I need an instrument that is sort of complicated and will press me to keep learning. Cello seems to fit all of these, am I right? Also, if I were to start playing the cello at the beginning of this school year and were to practice a lot with determination to get good, how long would it take an average person to reach the point when they can be considered "amazing at cello" or something of the like. I'm not asking for statistics, just a guess from personal experience.