
A couple questions about s*x?

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Well - my boyfriend and I are taking things slowly and we are just starting to move into bits and pieces of oral. I've tasted him and I like doing it, but I'm not used to it yet. Is it normal to not like the taste? Will I get used to it? And is a gag/sick feeling also normal to be expected?

Also - sometimes he'll put his finger inside me for a couple of minutes at a time. About three times since we've been together there has been small amounts of blood appear when I clean up later - is this normal?




  1. hon.. whatever is happening is just normal.. good thing is that u r willing to try and start liking it

  2. Gaging is normal. Rare is the person who actually gets use to it.

    As far as taste. Well....guys pee. All they do is shake it off. So your probably tasting pee. You can buy a product called Good Head. You can get it at Speancers or adult novelty stores.

    The bleeding...well he's probably tearing you. That's normal.

  3. a good boyfriend won't expect you to let him leave that in your mouth. tell him to tap you on the shoulder when he is very close. it's the polite thing to do.  If you got used to that, I'd be concerned. Now, if it is VERY important to him that he put you through the suffering, tell him to eat blueberries and pineapple. That will make it taste better naturally. Garlic will make it worse. Just a lil heads up, er... no pun intended?

    I think a very small amount of spotting is normal, for the other part of the question. You might want to make sure you aren't too dry. That could cause irritation. Spend a lot of time kissing first. It'll relax you down there, and make things a lil easier.  

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