
A couple questions about the Civil War?

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1. A. Describe the make-up of the Army of Tennessee

B. What was the objective of this army group?

2. A. What was the mission of the Army of Potomac?

B. What were the roles of Ben Butler and Franz Sigel in this plan?

3. A. In May, 1864. After losing the BAttle of Wilderness, the Army of Potomac did not retreat as was expected. WHAT DID THE ARMY DO?

B. What effect did this have on the soldiers in this army?

4. Why did Grants plan of taking Petersburg fail?

5. A. Describe the situations of Grant and Sherman as the month of July 1864 ended

B. What effect did their situation have on the people of the North?

& last question. Why did the volunteer Civil War soldier want to go off to the war?

Thanks. I can answer the rest on my own.




  1. 1. The Army of Tennessee was made up of mostly men from the Confederate Western states (Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Texas) with some Kentuckians and Missourians as well.

    B. The objective was to hold Tennessee, prevent the Union from taking control of the Mississippi Valley and if possible, "liberate" Kentucky.

    2. To capture Richmond and destroy the Confederate Armies in the Virginia theater

    B. Butler and Sigel were part of a multi-pronged attack plan in order to place simultaneous pressure on the Confederate forces in Virginia in order to maximize the advantage of Union numerical superiority

    3. The army instead of retreating tried to outflank the Confederate Army

    B. This cheered the soldiers and raised morale.

    4. Grant's forces were unable to press the initial advantage at Petersburg, giving Confederate forces time to bring up reinforcements and dig in.

    5. Grant was stalled at Petersburg, Sherman was stalled in front of Atlanta.

    B. Northern morale was at a low point, Shermans capture of Atlanta in September would provide a huge boost to Northern spirits.

    Alot of reasons: They thought it would be romantic, they were patriotic and loyal to their government and/or region, they fought for ideological reasons, they thought it would be fun and/or glorious

  2. When I was in school, I had to do my homework the old fashioned way, by studying. Try it.

  3. 1)


    if this is homework, i think the other questions should be found in your textbook, they will be quite hard to find on your own.


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