
A couple speakers for my TV?

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I have asked this question a couple times with no real good help, but i think i was wording it confusingly.

I have this tv:

I just want like 2 additional speakers to give a little more sound when playing games and watching movies. I dont want to spend a lot of money and dont need top of the line.

I just want to know what brand is decent but cheap, what exactly do i go into a store an look for (like do i need a receiver, cables, just speakers, etc), and preferably actual model numbers or websites to help thanks




  1. What is cheap?

    The first thing you need is a reciever/or "cheap" home theatre DVD system.  

    You can find a "cheap" 5.1 channel system at Wal-Mart for less than $100.  

    For your needs I would recommend a 2.1 channel system or a soundbar (awesome).

    I recommend these:

  2. All you need (unless you are using HDMI, which you shouldn't be in this setup) is a splitter for your audio cables, like (red)(white) ---> (red)(red)(white)(white), and send one set to your TV, and one set through a converter to your speakers.

    The red/white/yellow cables are compatible with standard 3.5mm stereo jacks, as are the red/white/red/green/blue cables.

    Optical audio, and HDMI, will have to be done with one cable going to the TV, and it has to have a HDMI-out, or optical-out. Your speakers have to be compatible with that.

    My suggestion is the following:

    two of these:

    one of these:

    (use two of the cables on the splitter, i.e. plug red into red and white into green)

    Plug the red and white cables into the red and green jacks on the one side of the splitter. Then plug the cables into the red and green jacks on the other side, matching colors. Plug one set of the split cables into the TV, and one into the last item, which plugs into the speakers.

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