
A crash space craft from ancient time.could be repaired could it not?

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advancment of mankinds[wisdom]should i plant these seeds here today.under the blue dome sun lit skies apon spok's blue is you whom water and cutivate these into a full grown tree of knowledge.spelling this like legal ledger.




  1. I'm confused here.  You post an intelligent question and then add additional information that is incoherent at best.  I'll answer the question and ignore the rest.

    No, unless the damage were purely structural, the ship could not be repaired.  I will offer you a scenario:  

       a US F22 goes through a time warp and crashes into the White House lawn in the year 1865.  

       Lincoln's scientists would face a problem.  Intellectually they would understand that flight was impossible.  Yet this object obviously came from the sky, unless of course it burrowed its way from the depths of the planet.  

       They would have no conception of what the plane was constructed from. Such metals did not exist.  The plastics would be even more puzzling.  Metal could be identified as metal, but plastic would be a complete puzzle.  The electronics would be a complete mystery since electronics hadn't been invented.  Neither had electricity.  The computers would be impossible to figure out.  Our electronic components are microscopic.  In 1865 no microscope could make any analysis of components smaller than the microscopes resolution.  The plane would be filled with technological and material wonders that simply could not be understood by 19th century science.  

    If we discovered an alien ship we would be in a similar situation, faced with technologies so far in advance of our own that we could not comprehend the most basic features.

    My scenario was only 143 years.  The chances of an alien ship only being 143 years in advance of our own technology is negligible. That is a very short period of time when talking about alien civilizations.  Far more likely there would be thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of years of technological gap between our civilizations.  Perhaps millions.  Worse, they might be smarter than we are.  

    So unless the problem can be solved by a few whacks with a hammer, the ship is going to stay broke.  We simply could not comprehend the technology.

  2. only structual damage is a near garuntee depending on material known or not now the technology would be possible if ours is near enough to begin to reverse engineer it kind of like the movie paycheck at the beginning a hologram needed a full screen base as where through reverse engineering it didn't in a matter of months but with alien technology it would require years of study and research

  3. This makes no sense. What, exactly, are you asking?

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