
A cuppa tea please?.?

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How can you make the best cuppa tea? what do i do?




  1. boil kettle

    teabag in 30 seconds

    teabag out

    1 spoonful sugar dont mix

    25 ml of milk dont mix

    teabag back in 1 minute

    teabag out

    mix everything in

    teabag in 30 sec

    good cup of tea takes about 3 minutes to make you know

  2. depends what kind of tea

    black tea- let brew for about 3 minutes then remove tea bag and add a little milk and sugar or no milk if you want

    green tea and herbal- brew for about 3 minutes then remove tea bag and add sugar if you like

    chamomile and peppermint- i find it tastes good with milk and sugar

  3. I go buy a bottle of japanese green tea at the asian store.  That's the best possible way to do it.  Or you can try to buy the green tea leaves and experiment.   
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