
A curiosity on communist regimes

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In communist regimes, is the army supposed to receive privileges or be treated differently from the rest of the population? Isn't a communist regime supposed to be based on absolute egalitarianism among the people?




  1. Stereotypically, one could look at the examples of communist regimes that failed and look at how the military masses of those states treated themselves as if they were first-class citizens, prepared to fight and die for their way of life.Much like the allied veterans (the most extreme example), albeit misguided.Their patriotic idealism contributed towards the impression that those in charge were unquestionable, which is something that lacks compatibility with communist ideologies.Egalitarianism only ensures civil peace as long as people remember that each of them has to ensure it.

    I have a belief about communism, one that transcends the negativity caused by the rather epic failures of the past.

    I believe that communist governments are never supposed to be stable, that they are to be questioned and interrogated publicly whenever possible, and if found wanting, exhanged with other members of the community of equal ability.

    All too often, dictators have relied on a show of military dominance in order to get the message across that they need to be respected.

    It is this unspoken fear of internal threat which corrodes the foundations of communism, working at the heart of the masses to follow their leaders out of loyalty rather than reasonable sense.

    Of course, this could be true of several different types of regimes, not just communist ones..

  2. All regimes are backed up by the military, they'll be trained to protect their own next.

    Example, the Air force monitors and protects the Army from roadside hazards.

  3. The theories of communism have never been put into practice.  (Read Animal Farm.)  Communism has never provided equality, freedom, or prosperity.

    In fact, it always produces just the opposite.

    And it always will.

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