
A customer will not ask a cashier to fix their declined credit card?

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But they will ask a pharmacist to fix their declined insurance card

Why the double standard?

Insurance has no business in our profession.




  1. Because they always feel like the insurance company is getting over on them.  And if they call the insurance company themselves they are probably told that the claim was denied because of the way the claim was filed (whether or not that is actually true)

  2. It's a little different though.  While you're right about what you said, people are not exactly brought into the loop about how much their prescriptions would cost if they didn't have insurance, why some are covered and others aren't, why the generic can be cheaper than the name brand, etc.  When people buy a shirt and choose to pay cash, credit, check or debit, they are in control of the decision.  We all have little irritations when people don't understand our profession the way we do, but that's life. It's not really a 'double standard' so to speak if people are just doing it out of ignorance.  They're not doing it to specifically be lazy or to annoy you.

  3. Um, pharmacists can't fix declined insurance.  All they can do is re-run it.  But as the PROVIDER, the pharmacy usually tries to collect from the insurance, so they want to get the coding right.  

    Just like the doctor - if they do it wrong the first time, they have to rebill.  

    But if the policy is cancelled, neither can do anything about it.

    There isn't a double standard.

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