
A dance question?

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So I want to begin to take dance lessons, and I will obviously be in the beginner teen classes - but I am going to work extremely hard and try to get moved up to better classes. Anyways, I want to take ballet, hip-hop and jazz. Considering I've never taken dance before, is this too much to start off with? It's really hard for me to choose, because I want to do these three really badly. And how hard are each of these separately? And I want to get into contemporary dance, so will hip-hop or jazz be a benefit to that?




  1. I would advise to start with ballet. It helps you with strength, flexiility, and many many aspects of dance are based on ballet. Such as in many dance styles you use the same basic positions as ballet. Ballet is a very good foundation. Jazz would probably help too, so maybe star jazz after. And you might want to pick up hip-hop a bit later. It's much easier to start with one thing rather than mix up styles and get confused. Good luck!

  2. No, this is not too much to start off with. It's good to take lots of classes in the beginning until you find what you like best, or if you like all of them. Ballet is very very hard. It takes a lot of strength and grace. Jazz is a little easier, but also hard work. Jazz is a lot faster and more up tempo, not as traditional. Hip hop is very contemporary, and from what I understand works a lot with isolation and syncopation. It looks like fun though. If you want to get into contemporary, pretty much every style of dance will help you, because contemporary has so many different styles in it.

  3. ballet helps with everything

    i would REALLY suggest it

    and hip hop is fun, i'm really bad at it, but i think it's the easiest to pick up quickly

    and jazz is fun

    go for all of them

    but ballet would help the most with modern so thats the best one

    ps ballet probably wont be amazingly fun at first since you need to learn the basics. hang in there

  4. since you want to take comtemporary i would advise you to take a ballet and a jazz class this will help you out a lot...the ballet would be more benefitual because ballet the basically the core of all dance styles.

    for how many dance classes to sign up for..i would say don't over do don't take over three classes...

  5. I dance my whole life and I strongly suggest starting with ballet. It will give you balance, flexibility and all necessary basics. You can learn hip-hop without ever taking ballet, true, but you will never be a complete dancer. Jazz would be harder (or almost impossible) to learn without ballet.

    So I say, definitely start with that. You can take either or both of the other 2 on the side, or take them later. In any case, I recommend taking all three eventually, since Jazz and hip-hop are completely different from each other. But you don't have to take all now, you can take for example ballet and jazz and do hip-hop next year.

    Good luck ;)

  6. yes hip-hop and jazz and especially ballet will halp with contemporary dance. Ballet is probably the hardest type of dance because it takes a lot of strenght, balance, poise, and precision, but none of that's too to hard to learn. All it takes is practice and determination. Jazz is pretty easy, all you need is a little balance for turns. Hip-hop is moving the different parts of your body and will take a lot of precision, and it's  probably the easiest to learn out of all the dances.

  7. Of course it's not too much to start off with, just do your best.

    They are all pretty hard. I think that ballet is the hardest, since it's very specific. Hip hop and jazz will both be a benefit, hip hop teached you to isolate your body in different ways and jazz is like contemporary, but more styleized and more specific.
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