
A dark pigeon like bird flew last night into my house (flat). It was 3:15 am... What could that mean???

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I don't want to freak out but read something about being a sign that death will come...what do you think?




  1. It means your imagination is excellent but your reasoning abilities are poor.

  2. It means a bird got confused and flew where it probably didn't really want to go!

  3. I would seriously question the bird.

    Was is a normally nocturnal bird. What would a pigeon be doing flying about at night... unless you live way North and it's daylight at 3:15am.

    Maybe it was a nocturnal bird, and mistook your open window for a nice hole in a tree.  

    I hope this is helpful. Probably not.

  4. means a death in the family i believe

  5. it means you need to close your windows while you're sleeping.

  6. Its very likely its a sign that you had a window open. Its not a sign of death. A sign of death would be a heart stopping, or breathing stopping.

    Occasionally a bird flys into someones house, and someone dies. These two events are not related in any way, however, for some reason people like to link unrelated events. We call this synchronicity.

  7. A bird flew into your house?  Was the window open?  Only the most superstitious person would see that as a paranormal event.

  8. It means that you better watch where you sit in the morning or you'll sit in bird S**t.

  9. everybody thinks that birds flying into their house means death is coming...that is completely untrue.

  10. The angel of death is waiting for you to close the window

  11. its funny you mention that...actually a guy from the real world experienced the same thing you did...only he imagined the bird it wasn't really real... neways it turned out that his grandpa had passed away.. check out real world Sydney

  12. I need more information.  The darkness of the bird, combined with the timing of the event does not bode well.  3:15 (and 3:00 for some) is typically known as the demonic time.  My boyfriend used to wake every morning at exactly 3:15am.  I couldn't tell you how many times I've had to exorcise him, as well.  If this is a singular event, I wouldn't worry too much about it.  Just don't disregard anything "unusual" that happens in your life, as something may be trying to get to you for unknown reasons.  "Corner of the eye" stuff (you turn to look at something seen in peripheral vision only to have it not be there), unexplained sounds or smells, temperature changes are the biggest signs of activity.  And personality changes in close loved ones are demonic signs.  But I'm not familiar with pigeons, specifically; it's usually sparrows or crows.   Good luck, and contact me if you have any other concerns.

  13. It is a good sign / I think money will come to you

  14. Thanks for the update, what you described usually means impending death to the superstitious (not the individual but someone they knew) but not usually so quick as that.

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