
A day after I have masturbated, I cramp up, like on my period, but Im not close to my period.?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if I was the only one this happens to and why this happens.




  1. i did you to hard.


  2. IDK, I didn't mean to star this by the way, my cursor was just on that part and It clicked automatically.

  3. Happens to me sometimes.  

    When you climax, your uterus can contract.  Sometines this will be strong enough that it will feel like cramps when you have your period.

    Kind of like a good thing gone bad, eh?  It's normal, tho, not a sign of a problem.  

  4. What is it?

  5. Does it happen everytime?  Keep in mind that your ovulate about 2 weeks after your period.  Maybe that's what you're feeling.

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