
A decent website to find out what the weather's gong to be like next week?

by  |  earlier

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It's going to rain, I know, but looking at the sites I've found I'm unsure how bad it's going to be.




  1. Try these links - but before you do, let me advise you that Summer will start when I say so and not a moment before.  Other thing, something in Wm Shakespeare about, "this green and pleasant land".  Well, you cannot have green and pleasant without rain, rain and more rain.

    Try the links below. . . .  

    UK Met Office

    Hurricane Bertha - headed West - Atlantic

    Mid-Atlantic weather satellite pix

    Met Office satellite image Euro/UK

    BBC Weather Centre - satellite image UK

    .. . .and if you are thinking of hitting the beach or doing surfing here in UK - forget it - this is what you can expect . . .

    . . .look, don't want to scare you right, but my partner and me was at Stonhenge for the Solstice and we saw there a group of 12 American Indians, they were dancing in a nearby field and keeping well away from the rest of us.  The lead dancer was carring two buffalo sculls - rain dance or something. . .

  2. the BBC do have a good weather prediction site.It stores your location too and aside from a five day forecast also gives  a detailed 24 hour one-no argy bargy!give it a go

  3. i like this one

  4. BBC weather service.

  5. yeah accuweather is proly one of the best sites i think for weather.

    its got real feel n stuff....thats really nice.u can even get updates on ur mobile phoone from it!

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