
A decent workout needed???

by  |  earlier

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Ok,so i need a workout to have stronger arms and more firm abs,nothing more,that's it.I am 13 year old 132 pounds,5'5.That's all i need.I don't want a six pack(yet),BUT if you have a workout to get one,feel free to post it here(:D).Please don't say "dont worry,you are young"or you don't have to worry about that yet".I want real answers.

Also since this is the boxing section,i have a heavybag,what kind of workout can i do with it to gain more speed in my punches.

Don't recommend diets.





  1. Push ups,pull ups,bench press and curls,french curls,sit ups,crunchers,leg raises,barbel raises in front and behind of head.If you are increasing your upper body size then you will need to increase your leg size,or you will be out of proportion and silly.So you will need to take your barbel or any other weight and do some squats and calve lifts, these few exercises will increase power and size in all basic muscle groups

  2. Hey buddie, I usually don't do this but I know how it is when your that age and have the mentality and dedication to do this and everyone thinks your to young .  I started lifting , boxing , mixed martial arts sence I could remember. No help. Myself. Okay anyways , I'm going to give you a burn out to try's not just for your arms and abs but your whole body , this is what your body needs  if you want to " box" . okay , your going to do 10 burpee's , fifteen " 1,2,3," count  jumping jacks ,  20 , push -ups , 25 lunges ( with each leg) . Once your done with this your going to do  the same exercise 3 more times . This will make a total of four sets. Take a rest after each one ( as needed!) No more than 60 sec though!! Remember boxing is all about time . Now about the speed on your hands...a speed bag works good but sence you don't have one it's fine dont let anyone tell you different . Hit your heavy bag as fast and as hard as you can for two mins straight than take a min rest and go back at it for two mins again. Now do this about 5 rounds. When you throw your punches try to make them good accurate , powerfull punches not sloppy lousy ones thats going to make someone laugh at you , but ones that's going to make someone respect you and think twice about coming in at you ( bring your hands right back to your face after each throw ) as fast as you throw a hand at em is about as fast you want to bring it back to your face ( to guard of course)  Okay , so I gave you a little routine to try out . You said you wanted speed....well the exercises I gave you earlier , I want you to get them done as fast as you can! This will help alot with your speed .

    One more thing....don't forget to rap your hands befor hitting the a fighter you want to take care of your hands. There important !

    Good luck brotha!

  3. 40 push ups,20 wide out and 20 diamond,30 crunches,1 minute plank or superman, jump rope 20 minutes,run like a mile 1/2,stretch alot,hit the heavy bag 4 9 mintes with plenty of combos and the  last thirty seconds do the jitterbug nothing but 1 2s

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