I have 2 churchesI need to chose between:
~The first, I grew up in and I have friends & family in.Doesn't believe in headcovering-which I feel God is leading me to do.Don't want to headcover there, because it will rock the boat and cause trouble.If I agree to be baptised, I have a good friend who will court me.Some people my age there though can be s****..
~The second, I is similiar to the first but slightly stricter.I am in contact with the pastor of that church & have visited them.They are a lo-ng way from me & meaning visits are long,wearisome and expensive, so I can rarely visit.Will be difficult explaining about to family and friends.Believes in headcovering.
I have no peace without my headcovering and don't know what choice to make.
Which church should I be baptised into?