
A description of the biotic and abiotic factors of a taiga?

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A description of the biotic and abiotic factors of a taiga?




  1. Taiga is a generic term for a type of conifer-dominated boreal forest found in northern environments. The word was first used to describe dense forests of spruce (eThe Taiga biome is the type of habitat in certain places, like mountain tops, deserts, and tropical forests, and is determined by the climate of the place. The taiga climate is for the most part dominated by cold artic air. Some of the biotic factors of the Taiga Biome are plants just to name a few: Balsam Fir, Black Spruce, Siberian Spruce, Jack Pine. Balsam Fir found in the northeastern North America from Virginia to Newfoundland.specially Picea abies) in northern Russia.

    Abiotic Factors


    Taiga climate dominated by cold air from the artic circle. Temperatures are colder during night due to no cloud cover. Winter has its freezing cold temperature that lasts for six long months. Summer is a hot, short, and rainy season. Fall comes to be the shortest of all seasons. Spring brings flowers, frozen ponds and lakes melt, and animal come out of hibernation and from the south to live once again to do it all over the next following year.


    Soil Type

    •The soil type is thin, acidic, and not very nutrient it is also really rocky.



    The lowest winter temperatures are around -65 degrees Fahrenheit and the Highest winter temperatures are around 30 degrees Fahrenheit .The average temperature for winter is 26.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

    During summer temperature are around 30 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit on up. The average summer temperature is over 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Temperatures range is -65 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit for most the year. Average. Temperatures are 32 degrees Fahrenheit per year.


    The Average Rainfall for the Taiga climate is 12-33 inches. Most fall during the summer days of the year


    Locations are most typical in the Northern Hemisphere, due to the Southern Hemisphere’s lack of land mass.

    Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, Russia and China are most commonly known for a taiga culture.

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