
A desert community had foxes, rabbits, and grasses. there is a 2nd part?

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Predict what would happen to the population of grasses if the population of foxes increased.




  1. fox eats rabbit eats grass-answer is grass grows

  2. Actually, the fox's and rabbits will be in 'check' due to reproduction schedules. The grass only grows to fixed population, so it comes and goes at the same rate, unless, the rabbits out number the foxes.

    So, for your scenario, nothing would change.

  3. Well, if the foxes increased then there would be less rabbits because all of the rabbits that would normally eat the grass will have been eaten by the foxes.

    Basically, rabbit eats grass, fox eats rabbit. More foxes, less rabbits, more grass.

    : ) Happy trails.  

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