
A desperate criminal on the run....?

by  |  earlier

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with the law after you, hot on your heels

what would you do????




  1. Sit in a Police station they would never notice you. Same as where would you hide a grain of sand.

  2. hand myself in

  3. Turn myself in and do what I have to do.

  4. i always thought shopping malls or really anycrowded place would be a good idea you can lose the helicopter and hopefully the police on foot

  5. glue a balaclava to my face so they couldn't see who i was, and pretend i was doing some spec ops and wasn't allowed to take off the balaclava, the worst they could do is get me sectioned,

  6. Sit in the police station, they are so thick they wouldn't notice you !

  7. If you are asking for yourself, this is what I would do.  Contact a lawyer and arraigned through the lawyer to turn myself in.  That way, I am no longer looking over my shoulder all the time, and certain that my rights will not be violated when I do get caught.

  8. I'd hand myself in otherwise I'd always be looking over my shoulder so there'd be no freedom anyway.  As they say, you can run but you can't hide.

  9. I  quickly left the country

    a ferry was the best

    made sure Id got the stolen loot

    hidden up me vest

    me face was once on crime-watch

    but now I ve grown a beard

    and carry round this bible people think I'm weird..!

    and no one would dare stop me

    they'd think I d make a scene

    for no one wants to get involved

    with a looney who might scream....

  10. id steal a plane then fly to brazil easy!

  11. Stop running,And catch a bus.

  12. i would not run, i would turn myself in to the police and take the consequence of my actions/

  13. Not personally, but go to Mexico!

  14. Easy.

    Hand yourself in.  Why make matters worse?

  15. Thought you were referring to Gordon Brown for a minute.

  16. rape steal assault murder u got nothin to lose kapesh

  17. Run faster.

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