
A device that sends out a sound to stop nuissance barking???

by Guest66854  |  earlier

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I saw it advertised on tele, but want to know where i can buy one from, any ideas people? Would be really grateful!! xx




  1. Slimming your wallet to buy something like this could have been avoided by responsible training.  Maybe you should consider bringing the dog to a trainer(or vice versa) before you may possibly waste your money.

  2. They are advertised on Ebay all the time just look for dog repellent.

  3. any pet store will sell these in store, many also on line.  try for bark control devices.  Look for the pet safe sonic bark control products.

    How they work...  the device will "hear" the dog bark and send out a sonic pitch.  This does not hurt the dog, but will get the dogs attention.  At this point, you should use a firm "no bark!" command.

    BEFORE you spend the money, you should get a cheap dog whistle.  When your dog barks, use it.  If your dog responds to the whistle, then the sonic products will work.  If your dog doesn't care, don't waste your money.

    Remember, these aren't cures, they are training tools.  Whenever you use any behavior modification device, you MUST accompany it with training.  If not, the dog will learn what triggers the device and stop, or will develop a tolerance and eventually it won't work.  Hope that helps!  Those things are too much money of they won't work for you.

  4. My friend uses this on her labrador, it really does work. The one she has, has a control which you can use to change the intensity of the vibrations its very good. I would definately recommend it if your dogs barking is a problem!  

  5. take my advise dont buy on as they dont work i got one for my dog and he liked the sound it gave off so barked more so we told him no when he was barking for nothing and it stopped him

  6. You can buy them on the net. They work great with some dogs and more experienced barkers just ignore them. A good method is to put some pebbles into a plastic bottle, just enough to make a very loud noise when shaken. When the barking starts rattle the bottle hard as you can and shout NO!! in as loud a voice as you can. The trick is getting the dog's attention away from what it is barking at then give it something different to do. As a last resort, if he ignores the rattle, throw the bottle forcibly on the floor very close, without hitting the dog, to where he is and shout NO. They hate the sound of the pebbles. My 5 dogs go totally silent now when they see me pick the bottle up. It is amazing how well it works and doesn't cost anything.

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