
A difference between the special and general theories of relativity is that?

by Guest21290  |  earlier

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A difference between the special and general theories of relativity is that...

special relativity is valid only in stationary reference frames.

general relativity only deals with swiftly moving objects.

general relativity deals with accelerated systems.

special relativity deals with accelerated systems.




  1. general relativity deals with accelerated systems

  2. the only correct response is

    special relativity deals with accelerated systems

    (it also deals with swiftly moving objects)

    it doesn't really answer the question though, it makes me wonder whether you're teacher wants you to say

    general relativity deals with accelerated systems

    which would be technically correct but wrong in the context of this question

    general relativity deals with gravity and encompasses the special theory as well, it is a common misconception that it is required to deal with acceleration but special relativity does the job


  3. Actually, all of them are wrong.

    Special relativity is perfectly capable of dealing with acceleration.

    The difference is that general relativity is a theory of GRAVITY, and the key axiom that distinguishes it from special relativity is the principle of equivalence which is entirely about GRAVITY.

  4. The correct answer is

    general relativity deals with accelerated systems

    The essence of the special relativity theory is that, in all systems moving at a constant velocity relative to each other (so-called inertial systems),  the same physics laws (eg. Newton's laws, Maxwell's etc) hold.

    General relativity extended the consideration to systems moving relative to each other in accelation, in other words, non-inertial system.

  5. I just know that the second one needs complicated mathematics.

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