
A dose of lortab, is it too much?

by  |  earlier

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hello, i have a question about a dose of lortab, my doctor had prescribed me 1-2 10 mg ever 4-6 hours, is this a very high dose i am in bad pain from my foot, i broke a small bone in it. I took 2 and its making me very nasus, and my skin hot, but i need it cause of the pain, is this dose too much every 4-6 hours or normal for bad pain? btw i did take it with food.




  1. You are ok. I had surgery and am taking Percocet, which is a basically the medical compound of a double dose of vicodin. It does react with some ppl with nausea, but if it helps, just don't take more than that every 4 hours if you are not feeling that great when you do take it. Have a good night sleep. (And c**p, in college I would take 3 at a time with no effects, but if you feel bad, don't do it!) Good Luck!

  2. its ok 10mg isn't a lot it will help with pain i know people whom have been given more milligrams of same stuff every 6hrs you should be fine.

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