
A doubt about ip address

by  |  earlier

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IP(inernet protocol) address are allocated dynamically for personal computers so how does the websites remembers the visitors .I thought it should be done by cookies but it can be disabled then how can the task is accomplished !!!!!! thanks




  1. They can't, not reliably anyway. IP addresses are not reliable identifiers of people.

    When a website needs persistent data, they will use cookies. If a user has cookies disabled, then the website won't work properly. Cookies should be enabled, since they improve the internet experience with minor inconvenience.

    Also, if someone did need to find who was using a certain website, they will need to the IP Address and a time stamp. With that, you can contact the ISP and get the identity of the person that was assigned that IP address at that time.

  2. Maybe the easiest way is to store the information in cookies but if they are disabled than you have to use PHP and an SQL server. But this only works if the person who you want to remember always has the same ip address all the time.

    Oh and by the way IP addresses are not necessarily dynamic!

  3. If you don't allow cookies, then the websites can't 'remember' which means you have to sign in every time and they 'remember' from that sign in.  One of the nuisances of not allowing cookies is that you have to sign in a lot of places over and over.

  4. Jajajaja!

    The ip with which you connect to the Internet is published by my friend, and if the ISP gives you a dynamic ip publishes good, you remember if you registered on the server, but if you connect to the Internet using a ip then published these in problems ... will be remembered ...

  5. It is the IP Address. They don't change very often, unless you purchased a dynamic IP package from your ISP. Otherwise, it doesn't change. If you have a router, and your computer ip address is different, then that's because your router is changing the local address, but the WAN, Wide area network (Internet) address doesn't change.

  6. Dynamic IP Addresses are most frequently assigned on LANs and broadband networks by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers. They are used because it avoids the administrative burden of assigning specific static addresses to each device on a network. It also allows many devices to share limited address space on a network if only some of them will be online at a particular time. In most current desktop operating systems, dynamic IP configuration is enabled by default so that a user does not need to manually enter any settings to connect to a network with a DHCP server. DHCP is not the only technology used to assigning dynamic IP addresses. Dialup and some broadband networks use dynamic address features of the Point-to-Point Protocol.

  7. Not all IP addresses are dynamic, some are static.  Even dynamic addresses can remain the same for days, weeks, months, or longer if you don't disconnect your connection (usually by unplugging the broadband modem for at least 24 hours).

    It is done with cookies but to clear *all* the cookies you'd have to go to a different site before you clear them.

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