
A dream i had... or was it a hallucination??

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One night, i felt awake, er.. dreamed i was awake, or i was half awake, or halucinating... well anyways i though i heard my grandma telling me to wake up and somthing pulling my covers and i felt like i was stuck to the bed, i couldnt move; but when i tried to tell my grandma i was awake, i couldn't talk...or very well breathe at that.. so i thought i might have been a ghost so i held on to the covers a long time... that was the end

i dont remeber falling back asleep.. i just.... did couse when my grandma really woke me up... it was fine...

please tell me what this may mean!!




  1. surely..a dream

  2. Welcome to my world, Black Maiden.....

    You're just as insane as I am......

    Try to think of it.....

    You really should try to think of it.....

    Mere mortals know nothing....

    It is just as fine as insanely fine.....

    Actually these are just mere words....


  3. There have been multiple accounts of people claiming very similar situations to yours. They consist of seeing someone in the room with them, but they cannot move. At all.

    There was a guy who recounted that once he 'woke up' to find someone sitting on his legs, watching the TV in his room. This guy could not move, and was really uncomfortable with the 'person' on his leg. Finally, the 'person' left, and the guy sighed with relief.

    Then another girl had recounted that once she woke up and saw a dark lady holding a baby and standing in the corner. Again, this girl couldnt move nor talk. Thus she just watched the figure.

    Creepy stuff. Have no idea if the claims are true, but there are multiple accounts of these things which all consist of the person being unable to move.

    However, you're grandma is very well alive. So I don't think it would be totally, well, similar to these accounts (which seem to consist of ghosts and stuff)

  4. Perhaps you astral project and have problems getting back into your body.The psychic Sylvia Browne talk about that sort of thing all the time. I cannot remember the exact term she used though.

  5. Probably a dream.

    Could be sleep paralysis.

  6. u might have been right in that half asleep half awake stage...

    one time i had one of those and jesus talked to me in my "dream" not very religious... and he told me that he was leaving...

    i woke up by my own screams... it was just like urs...

  7. I had a dream like that but mine was that someone broke into my house and shot me in the chest and when i woke up i still felt the pain of being shot it was freaky as h**l. Unless someone slipped something in ur food or drink ur not  hallucinating it was a freaky dream everyone has one sometime in there life

  8. I think it was just a weird dream.  Look into it if it happens again.

  9. i think it a sign you should be careful its oud bad but i don't want to alarm you but watch out  sounds creepy

  10. You were probably doing lsd.

  11. it could be a dream.

  12. One interpretation:  "Sleep paralysis" is the technical term for it.  It is a prelude "clean up" stage to lucid dreaming:

    Also of interest:  "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, and

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves.

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