
A dream of a girl?

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I had a dream about walking hand in hand with a beautiful, tall blonde-haired girl who looked like a girl i call just a friend.

what's this the sign of?




  1. It's almost like a feeling of lonesomeness, but if you don't really feel that way - and you have that happy feeling even if you don't know who that person is, it is probably that you want to meet someone special, and that you are trying to be just aware of it so you won't miss that someone when you meet her. You don't want to miss the chance to meet your soul mate - that you know what you want. We all want to experience what love is especially, when we are young and don't know what it is all about. It's just the same feeling we had when we were kids experiencing happiness. It's that same happiness we long for but in a different ways than we were kids. You'll find that someone, can't tell you when but we are all meant for someone and someone is meant for us.

  2. Hmmm... this could be sooo many things

    it could be just a random dream

    it could be your future wife

    it could be something like

    you save her life in the future

    she saves your life in the future

    shes your future daughter

    she could be a future doner?

    many options! Good luck with enterprating that!

  3. Psychological theories:

    There are many hypotheses about the function of dreams.  In other words, we don't really know.  here are some possibilities:

    1.  Your dream was simply your brain's way of interpreting an external stimulus while you were sleeping.  It doesn't really mean anything.  

    2.  A repressed part of your mind contains romantic feelings for your friend.

    3.  Jung suggested that dreams may compensate for one-sided attitudes held in waking consciousness.  Your conscious attitude towards her is purely platonic, though you recognize her as a beautiful woman and understand that sexual attraction is appropriate.  

    3.  Ferenczi proposed that the dream, when told, may communicate something that is not being said outright.  Notice your wording here: the girl was a "beautiful tall blonde-haired girl" who looks like your friend.  You just called your friend beautiful.  Face it, you're attracted to your friend.  You needed to express this, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it out loud.

    4.  Dreams are like the cleaning-up operations of computers when they are off-line, removing parasitic nodes and other "junk" from the mind during sleep.  Your dream doesn't mean anything.  

    5.  Dreams create new ideas through the generation of random thought mutations. Some of these may be rejected by the mind as useless, while others may be seen as valuable and retained.  Your brain is being creative... it has given you food for thought.  Perhaps you should consider mating with your friend?  LOL!

    6.  Dreams regulate mood.  Your brain determined that you needed a cool dream to pick up your spirits.  

    7.  Hartmann says dreams may function like psychotherapy, by "making connections in a safe place" and allowing the dreamer to integrate thoughts that may be dissociated during waking life.  You see your friend both as an attractive girl but also as a friend.  There is a dissociation between these two ideas in your mind.  Your brain has brought them together to be evaluated in your sleep so you don't have an emotional break-down.

    8.  Your brain is testing out the idea.  It's trying to determine how best to interpret this girl: as a friend? or as a mate?

    9.  Your brain is showing you the way.  It's psyching you up for pursuing a relationship with this girl, like an athelete visualizing himself achieving his objective.
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