
A dream that I can't get out of my head...?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I dreamt that my boyfriend of almost 15 months, cheated on me multiple times. Dream: I was at his house and looking at his camera where I saw pictures of a bunch of naked people, including him. I confronted him and then I just ran. I ended up at a couple of restaurants just crying for hours on end. Then I saw my friends who were in the pictures, and I screamed at them and swore and asked why they would have invited him to a party like that and without me. I couldn't comprehend how they could do that to me. I also found out who he had slept with, and three of them being very close friends. I confronted them too. I said that I'd never forgive them for it, I thought they cared about me more than that. He tried talking to me and I allowed it but I wouldn't kiss him. He tried to say he was sorry but I wouldn't forgive him yet. Then I found out he was on the phone asking when the next party was. He had a pained expression on his face the whole time he asked. I ran away again and started crying without listening for his explanation. Then I woke up. I just can't get this out of my head. It felt so real. I was hurt so bad. Now I love my boyfriend and I know he loves me and would never do something like that. What can all this mean?

I really want to tell him about the dream, but I know it will hurt him. He'll think I think he cheats on me, which I don't. I don't know, I just need to know what this dream means. It's bothering me.

Also, a side note, my best friend had a conversation with me the other day about how she was starting to lose respect for my boyfriend. [We had a few fights, but nothing major.] Could this have some tie to the dream?




  1. I am sorry to tell you this. Your boyfriend is addicted to p**n and you are picking up on it.

    You feel betrayed by this. It has nothing to do with your friends other than the fact that you have lost trust for him and that you feel he was or should be your friend. On a daily basis you and he are fine (even close), but the whole p**n thing is possibly a breaking point for you.

    Doubtful he will ever stop or change even if he tries. You have to decide if this is OK with you or not. I would not over react until you find and acceptance enough to at least talk to him about it non judgmentally and let him know it bugs you.

    By the way the p**n will show up on his bank statement or also on his cable or direct tv pay per view bill or purchase history. You seem to want evidence as indicated in your dream by you looking at his phone.

    Sorry once again, but I am very good at dream interpretation and this is what this dream means. Better to live in reality and deal with the issue than not know!

    Good luck  

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