
A duck inside of Walmart?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I'm at Walmart on my iPhone and there is a duck following me as am I runnifnfg thgrough the store, sorry I am running so I can'tr type well




  1. can't you "duck" out?....sorry...

  2. that wasnt really a question

  3. Welcome to Wal-Mart! How can we help you?

  4. Get the manager, DUH!!!!

  5. Are you on any drugs at the moment? Or alcohol?

  6. Find a manager and have them call the humane society to get it.

  7. seriously? thats crazy! does walmart sell ducks?? :-) awesome story man

  8. I think it's a good sign t be honest :P

    Animals tend to be attracted to good people

    and thats an awesome story

  9. so tell a manager and they will take care of animals in the store. thats so awsome there is a duck in a store. or maybe u are on drugs or buzzed right now.

  10. lol seriously?     haha i would love to see that

  11. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably IS a duck or...................

    you're having a bad trip off that acid you dropped!!!

  12. haha that awesome;


  13. ew get out and go to your car!

  14. I used to work at a Home Depot and a family of Pigeons lived in the rafters. It took months to get them out of the store!

  15. haha hmm...this may be true if so go somewhere high....PS How did you get on Y! answers on your iphone? On mine it seems to not like Safari much

  16. hahaha that's amazing! shoot it with your lazer vision!

  17. ducks are totaly fantabulous i would pet it then bring it up to the mannager and sew them for money because you can do that because they can't have things like that in the store.

  18. omg i would be so scared i wouldnt hurt they animal but i would at least tell the manager

  19. lol, run to someone who works at Walmart or something, they could maybe help you. lol, a duck

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