
A easier way of cleaning a guinea pig cage

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i have 2 guinea pigs that live in a big cage. or at least bigg enough for 2. any way they stink bad. i have to change there cage every 2 days. i use newspaper. my mom wants to get rid of them because she says they stink our house up. plus bedding is to much. she says.

what should i do




  1. Get a little vinegar and dilute it with water. Dip some newspaper in the solution and scrub away.

    Hope this helps

  2. put the cage in the dishwasher machine.

    but please,  take out the rodent first

  3. i guessing the fact that it's indoor that it's the plastic kind

    yiou SHOULD use newspaper as it make the cage far easier to clean out . just rool it up and throw it away .     also in the winter it holds the heat in and keeps the piggies warm

    cavys urine is very concontrated and has a strong, distinctive odor. it contains a high concentrate of mineral salts and these form thick deposits on the floor of the cage that can be disolved with vinegar so use this

    do you use woodshavings as well???

    wood shavings smell pleasant and absorb urine and odors.

    you can buy scented wood shaings that will help make the cage smell better

    if bedding is too much you could use shredded paper

    ask your parents to see if there work shreds paper and if it does get them to bring some home for you

    your guinea pig should be cleaned out at least once a week    and the p**p removed once a day at least

    also remooving damp bedding will help reduce smell

    do you have a compost bin???

    if yes take your guinea pig out and just tip it up in the bin and then use old rags to wipe it then use vinegar and disinfectant spray

  4. if the bedding is getting expensive, use fleece over towels. as for the smell right now, like someone else had said, scrub it down with vinegar and then rinse it so you get rid of the smell of the vinegar. fleece would be the best choice for bedding though in a big cage. i hope everything works out!

  5. Change their cage everyday thatll get the smell down more, if you cant do it andd buy bedding you arent being fair to the guinea pigs and you should give them to a caring owner.

  6. Newspaper alone does make a pretty c**p bedding, I'm not surprised it smells!

    You really need to use either proper loose bedding (aspen or carefresh) or the fleece method.

    With the fleece method you have a layer of fleece over a leyer of absorbany matieral like towels or mattress pads. The pee wicks down through the fleece and is absorbed underneath. You do need to sweep up poops every day although this only takes a few minutes.

    To clean them out you just remove the last poops and throw everything in the wash.

    Once you have bought the fleece and towels, there are no ongoing costs because you just wash and re-use it.

    I use fleece with a mattress pad underneath for my 2 pigs. I sweep poops daily, and only clean out once a week- and it never smells.

    To learn about about how the fleece method works check out:

  7. Get rid of them if you can't even look after them or afford bedding.

    It stinks because you're using NEWSPAPER. You need to use a safe woodshaving or carefresh based bedding.

    If you can't afford that, you shouldn't have animals- what if they get sick and need the vet?

  8. Dyn-o-mite, no need to remove the guinea pigs

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