
A father that thinks of hisself.

by  |  earlier

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My son father is trying to be a rapper but can't rap at all. My son is now 7 years old and this dude do not at all take care of him, I tried like oh a hundred times trying to get him to pay child support and that seems not to work because he works for his father company and they have his back when the child support people call, but what's sad is that they are quick to say that he needs to take care of his son. Now my son father and I have not been together at all in six years, last year he had another baby and for some reason it takes care of the other baby but don't do anything for his son. this guy buys $100. pair shoes and buys his son nothing, now one thing about me is that I don't cause any drama I don't have time for that and I work two jobs and go to school and still have my son active in church and other things, now to the rap thing this dude put his money into that but still not trying to take care of his son, right now my water is off I told him about it and he still not trying to do anything and my house gets very hot and my son room doesn't gets air so I let him sleep in the front room where I never wanted anybody to sleep,and his father knows about all of this, sometimes I think his father do this stuff because I think that he don't want me to do better then him so he will try to pull me down but the thing he doesn't realize is that it's hurting his son not me, it just bothers me that he do all this talk in the streets telling people that he do this for his son and he do that and everything that he claims to be doing is the things I am doing my faimly is doing and his grandma and mother are doing I told him that he will never be bless if you are not taking care of a gife that god bless you with and he just think I was talking s***, I am getting very tired and stress from this and I don't know what to do.




  1. I hope you feel better now that you have all this off your chest.

    Just file for child support through the courts. If he doesn't pay he will lose his drivers license and then eventually go to jail.

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