
A female dog is a *****, what is a female cat called?

by Guest58474  |  earlier

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A female dog is a *****, what is a female cat called?




  1. a p u s s y  

  2. If she's in heat, she's called a queen, but that's all I know.

  3. Queen, or p***y.

  4. a queen. No joke. A male cat is called a tomcat. But a female cat is a queen.

  5. Technically, a female cat is called a "queen."  However, my female cat said she wants to be a pampered princess, not a queen (queens carry too much responsibility and princess have the most fun).

  6. A p***y I Think

  7. a cat

  8. Dogs were domesticated before cats. Dogs were domesticated as farm animals and hunters so language for them is different than the way we describe pets.

    Other farm animals are divided into male and female for breedign purposes: cows and bulls, sheep and ewes etc.

  9. a Queen. males are called Toms if they are intact but a neutered male cat is called a Gib

  10. gato

  11. "Queen" once it has reached puberty or becomes pregnant. Otherwise just "female cat"

  12. Whatever, she isn't gonna pay any attention anyway! haha xox

  13. A female cat is a queen

  14. a cat or a feline stupid *no offence

  15. Feline, pretty much. I don't think  they have a feminine version of it. Feline sounds feminine enough as it is.

  16. PU55Y C4T

  17. p***y?

  18. I don't know.  I think they're just called cats.

  19. queen

  20. A queen

  21. good question star 4 u.. mayb a$$ hole lol jk

  22. nothing usually a p***y

  23. A queen. A male cat is a tom.

  24. my ex girl friend

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