
A female spirit attached herself to me, what's her name?

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I used to get evp's at cemeteries and a female spirit is around me a lot now. She doesn't know she's dead and I'm going to help her but first I want to know her name so I can research it. How can I find out?




  1. What makes you so sure she is dead? Maybe she is just lonely....

    Maybe, just maybe, you are a good looking guy and she really likes spending time with you.

    Bring her out to dinner and then ask her for her name.

  2. you need to date real girls

  3. This is a very dangerous spiritual area.  Her name is familiar spirit and follower of Lucifer.

  4. If you can hear her enough to be aware that she isn't aware that she's dead, then, um, forgive me for this, but have you tried asking her??

  5. Don't be concerned about giving her a name, she knows you by name and is probably going to be with you for a while. Pay attention to any vivid dreams you have - she may try to give you a visual clue as to what her name might be.

    Also during the day while you're doing stuff her name might just pop into your head for no reason - her first or last name, or maybe a nickname.

    Sit quietly in your house underneath a light source after midnight very quietly and she might whisper her name to you.

    Do not try automatic writing or ouija - since a spirit is near you, other spirits with different agenda's will try to get through.

  6. That's the thing about the spirit can  be deceived. What makes you think it's a female? If you were at a cemetery..go around to all the graves and see which one speaks to you and read the name on the tombstone. Do you remember where you were when you got the evp? Of course, that doesn't really mean that where she/he/it was when it spoke to you. I wouldn't worry about it. If they really want help..they'll           tell you what you need to know. Maybe they don't want help..just want to hang around you and watch you. What makes you think they want help? Speak to them  and tell them whatever you'd tell them if you knew   their name. But keep in have no idea what this spirit is really like...any more than you know what people on here are really like.

  7. Skate around the question if you can. Try to find out anything about her time period, or her job - or er reason for being there in the first place.

    Spirits don't tend to hang around cemetaries - unless they did this in life - visiting relatives etc. They prefer the places they actually died, or felt happiest in.

    Try to find out what she's after. It may just be an antique you've inherited that she was fond of. When did she become attached? - It could be you look familiar to her husband - and she's comfortable with that.

    Another possibility, is that this is actually your wife - and you are reincarnated - and she isn't, so is hanging around waiting for you - till you finish. - In which case , be nice, and be careful!

  8. check the last cemetary u went to and look for the most recent deaths of girls. that might help, if not maybe she will respond if u ask. just make sure u are open minded, she may not be able to speak to you, but somehow show u what her name is. like if her name is rose, for example, maybe she will put a rose on your doorstep.

  9. I'm getting it .... I'm getting it ..... I've got it .......

    ..... it's something like Annus Nicolus Smithus.......


  10. i hope your kidding

  11. I'm a successful spiritual medium, and I have bad news for you. That's not the spirit of a female. It's the spirit of a female impersonator. His stage name was Candy, but his real name was Frank.

  12. Ask her....

    Have you been watching the movie "Just like Heaven"?

  13. anything you do....  DO NOT ask her to show you what her name is by asking her to do something physical and in direct contact with you or other earthly things.. by doing so, she will have gain access to our world and will find it difficult to leave you.. perhaps she is purposely not answering your call for her name cause she is already comfortable following you.. just ask a pro to get rid of her safely..

  14. Uhmmmmmmmmmmmm lol

  15. i Think Her name is Bob

  16. Look up the list of non registered voters in Pony Express Office.

  17. its actually a demon messing with you

  18. Sally

  19. How do you know that she is not aware she is dead?  

    If the spirit does not want to tell you, then leave her be.  Her business may not be finished & you shouldn't interfere.

  20. are u serious??how scary....

  21. I have the same problem-My female spirit has attached herself to my bank account.I know this because its been disappearing.

    also shes dead in bed but she doesnt realize it either!

    How can i help her MOVE ON!?

  22. I have consulted my ouji board and have discovered that her initials are W. T. F.

  23. Ask her. If you can't get an answer, tell her I will call you Jamie for instance and say to blow on your feet for yes and knock on the wall for no. Ask her if that is okay that you call her whatever name you choose for her. Try to help her and make her realize she's dead and make sure you comfort her. It's not easy waking up in the morning to someone telling you that you have died. Do whatever you can. I am not sure how to find out what her name is exactly but maybe lay out a tape recorder for a while and ask her. Later play the tape back and see if you can hear her name said. Good luck!

  24. FEAR!

  25. Cool...sounds like she's a lost soul who's desperate for some help...if the spirit has a face it would make it alot easier...she must've known her name...or if she can't remember it...perhaps u can check out the crypt of where her body lays....spirits tend to forget everything about the time of when they were alive...but helping a spirit is never easy...if the reason for a spirit to wander like this is would probably be  vengeance they seek in order for them to rest in peace...but when a spirit looses their identity...they were meant to be that way...the only thing left for their journey after death is to find the way to rebirth...

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