
A fertile area allowed humans to settle in one place and develop civilizations what does that mean ?

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A fertile area allowed humans to settle in one place and develop civilizations what does that mean ?




  1. It allow humans to farm therefor they not longer had to follow animals that they hunted, because of this they were able to settle and have more spare time and that's how civilization started.


    Middle East

    Meso-America  all three regions first civilizations appear around areas close to rivers that provided the water for crops and drinking.

  2. It means our species figured out that they could eat better and lead better lives by staying in one place and growing crops and animals for food.

  3. This means that some woman, charged with gathering food while the males hunted, decided she could enhance the number of food plants in a certain area by cultivating them & thus cut down on the area she had to cover to gather the food.

    Obviously she was able to provide more food for the tribe than they'd previously gotten by migrating with the herds.  I have no hypothesis on how they domesticated animals, but do know the dog had been domesticated by then... possibly giving them the idea they could domesticate herbavoirs for meat.


    Because women in a hunter/gatherer society typically do the gathering, I have to suspect that a woman discovered the benefit of cultivating plants.  However I would appreciate any detracting views or data on this subject.

  4. They became farmers instead of hunter- gatherers which allowed them free time, specialization  (one person could get good at a particular job), then trade items or skills for those basics. Free time also led to storytelling so the culture could evolve, by passing along what behaviors worked and what didn't. This way they didn't have to learn the same techniques every generation.

  5. The ending of the paleolithic age, helped bring along the Neolithic age, which brought bronze tools, and agriculture/civilization.

  6. It means that once we wandered into a place that was easy to survive in - we stopped "following the food" (nomadic), and kept the food "with" us at one location.  Humans planted seeds which survived because of good soil and plenty of water.  Also, staying in one place meant humans started to specialize in work, and organize a social system that helped ensure survival.

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