
A few army questions...?

by Guest63264  |  earlier

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1. If you have served in the army, how did you like it?

2. After all of your training is through, do you get to go back home for a while? if so how long?

3. When you get deployed, how long do you get deployed for at a time?

3b. I'm under the impression that you get the same amount of time off after you get back, is this true?

4. Is there any MOS that you would strongly suggest?

Any and all answers are greatly appreciated.




  1. 1.  I have way more good memories than bad memories.  It is an experience I would do again in a heartbeat.

    2.  If you are active duty you get 30 days of leave a year.  You normally can't take all 30 at a time.  You can also get passes for long weekends or mileage passes.

    3.  Deployments are 12 to 15 months.

    3b.  When you get back from deployment you usually get 30 days block leave and then it is back to work.

    4.  I would look at an MOS you want on the outside world.  Aviation is pretty good, medical.  I

  2. 1- hahaha.. It's boring.

    2 - yes, depends on how much you wish to take.

    3 - back to 12 months *15 was deemed cruel and evil...*

    3b - No.. my unit, did somewhere like 13-14 months in OIF3, came back in january 06, deployed for 15 months, Jan 07. and they were trying to deploy us at around 8 months back,

    4 - I laugh at everyone who likes infantry.. be a desk jockey.. You get deployed you sit in the AC and chill.. i joined as a mechanic and i searched vehicles and Iraqi's for the 15 months

  3. 1. it has its ups and downs, but for the most part its been a fun and interesting experience that I wouldn't trade for anything else

    2.after basic you can have some leave, usually 2 weeks

    3.  deployment time is down to 12 months again

    4.  be a combat arms MOS, you get the full army experience, if you don't like it after 4 years, get out or choose a different job


  5. Im not in the army, but i know a lot of people in the services. You get 30 days paid vacation every year. U can choose to not get vacation for one year and then have 60 days the next. U usually do a tour of duty that lasts about a year. I would suggest goin to jump school and try to get accepted in Ranger school, or go in the 101 or 82

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