
A few incidendes happened surrounding a new doll i got, i fear its haunted,, read & tell me what u think, HELP

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ok,,, im a cabbage patch kids doll collector, only about a month ago on ebay someone was selling a HAUNTED cabbage patch kid,,, i read the discription and it freaked me out!!!!, there is no way i would want one that weird stuff happens around, my husband said that with all the ones i have already i probably have one already,, from that day i never brought another,,, anyway,, knowing about these so called haunted dolls got me thinking about...................

a few months ago i ordered one from ohio , it was a heartbeat one where u squeeze it and its heart beats [battery operated] , as i put the batteries in i joked to my kids ''its now alive'',, about 30seconds later the light that was on shattered out of nowhere,, glass went everywhere,, my kids said ''mum, do u think the doll made that happen?'', i laughed and said ''dont b sily''

i feel weird around that doll, my toddler wont play with it either, like shes scared too

last night at midnight as i went to bed , [continue]




  1. What can I say?  You have a haunted doll.  There is no other possible explanation.

    >Shakes head<

  2. That happens from time to time.  I once heard of a doll having the soul of a murderer transfered into it by the use of voodu.  He then was packaged and sold in a store.  He tried to lure this kid into transfering his soul into the little kid, but they ended up........wait.  I think that was a movie!!!

    I think you should definately contact the seller on ebay!!  That would probably freak them out and give them something to talk about with there friends!!!  I can hear it now, "hey guys, listen to what this person I sold a doll to said about it!!!"

  3. It is possible for a doll to be haunted. Some people believe that one someone dies, their spirit could take the form of something physical, as oppose to being all floaty. Perhaps there was a bloody history in that doll's life. For instance, Bloody Mary, dying in front of a mirror and getting trapt inside the mirror. But, that's just a story. But then again, it could be all in your child's head. She was scared of the doll when you first got it, so maybe she created it in her head and believed it. That happened to me. When I was like 8, my brother made me watch Lord Of The Rings, and for years after that, I was convinced the Golem's legs were haunting me. I would constantly see gangly legs out of the corner of my eye. I myself, believe in the paranormal and all it's awesomeness. But, I am terrified of dolls. To be honest, you should sell it, but be sure and explain the story of the incident to the buyer. They might want to know.

  4. Throw out the doll. A demon could be attracted to the doll and that is why these weird things are happening. No wonder that person decided to get rid of it on ebay.

  5. i'ld get rid of it....

  6. OMG!!!

    Sell the d**n doll!!!

    That is pure freakishness and yes I do believe it's haunted.

    I would definitely get in contact with the last owner and tell them if they experienced the same things.Only out of curiosity.

    It's a sign...STOP

    hey just thinking..maybe it's your hubby doing these things to scare you off collecting..hehehe

  7. Creepy......

    Scary even.......

    It's posessed...get rid of it..

    Maybe even evil or cursed....

  8. If I find that haunted doll in my letterbox laura you will hear me screaming from your

    I think its all in the mind and the mind can be a powerful thing...  get rid of the doll if its causing bad dreams and scaring your kids (and you) - its seems jinxed.

    Seems you brought the haunted doll to life when you put the batteries in thats why the light shattered :P

  9. Did your daughter see the video of the haunted e bay CPK doll ? Maybe she's just scared. It doesn't help that YOU are scared. Fear is the worst because then you dont know if stuff is real or in your head. I would just throw out the doll or give it to someone else to see if that person gets what you get.

  10. Maybe just your thinking about that doll being haunted could have brought a joker spirit into it to play a joke on you. I think they like to hear us scream.

  11. Wow...this is scary.....

    I got scared once when one of my sisters dolls ansered me back....

    Another time we heard a noise we crept down and looke in the livingroom, no one was there except my sisters doll...sitting on the sofa with a knife in her hand...the pillows had been slashed...

    Mysterious other things happened until one day....the doll disappeared and the house across the lane burned down.

  12. the question u need to ask urself is, in all the years that u have been collecting dolls, have u ever thought about them being haunted before u saw a haunted doll for sale on ebay?

    our mind reacts to the information we take in. had u not heard of such a doll, u probably never would have thought about normal incidents and mishaps turn into paranormal discoveries..

  13. People only put "haunted" doll b.c it sells higher and they are just finding scams to make more money. In all my life as a medium i have NEVER seen a spirit care about haunting ppl with a doll. It's for hollywood and hollywood alone. Your mind was keeping you in fear- lights shatter a lot-and sometimes do so b.c of your OWN psychic energy causing chaos in the air-meaning your own fear and negative thoughts. Your energy is powerful. Your children were just in fear b.c you were.

    Think nothing more of it.

  14. I will believe in the most stupid ridiculous things out there, but if the doll was haunted, it wouldn't have needed you to put the battery in for it to start haunting you.  Ghosts don't require batteries.

  15. Sorry, but I cracked up when I read this. lol!

    Heart beating doll - That's enough to freak me out. I would be throwing it out. Then if it comes back and tries to kill you, you'll know for sure it's evil.

    I think you've been watching too many Chucky films.

    But in saying that, I don't want the doll here, please don't send it here.


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