
A few more questions about leopard geckos?

by  |  earlier

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Well, the day is ariving very soon! I'm very excited! I do, however have a few questions/concerns.

1. What should I do if the power goes out (i.e. how do I keep my leo warm in that kind of situation)? It's been storming a lot lately and that question was brought to my attention.

2. How often do leos need to be fed and how much should be offered each feeding? I've heard 3-4 crickets every other day for an adult, but is that accurate? What about for babies/adolesence?

3. My leo won't get stressed out by my dogs will it (they are usually pretty quiet)?

4. I know a thermostat is pretty necessary, but is a rheostat? I don't wanna spend extra money on something I don't necessarily need.

5. Finally, how often should I clean the tank? I mean like full scrub? I know to clean it (change papertowel, etc.) as often as needed (usually 1-2 times a week), but what about when I do a good scrub down?

Thank you very much! I am so excited for the arrival day of my very first leo!




  1. Q#1. you just keep an eye on the temp.

    Q#2. adults need to be fed every other day about 5 crickets and babies need to be fed every day about 6 crickets

    Q#3. if your dogs are pretty quiet then the leo shouldnt have a problem

    Q#4. no rheostats are not necessary

    Q#5. i clean mine every sunday

  2. 1. Your Leo can will be ok if the power goes otu. It will be fine if it doesnt have heat for a few days at most. You wont really need to worry about this.

    2. I usually feed my Leo evry other day but it depends on how much it wants to eat. Sometimes he'll eat more than 5 crickets and other days less. Give it mealworms every now and again to change up its diet.

    3. As long as your enclosure is on a countertop or something off the ground and your dogs arent trying to get at it, it should be okay.

    4. I dont have a Rheostat, and mine has been doin just fine

    5. Leo's are very clean animals and you'll never really need to "scrub down" the entire enclosure. Personally i do spot cleans during the week, and completly change the bedding once a week. You'll find there isnt much filth you'll have to deal with.

    Good luck.

  3. 1) leopard geckos will be fine for 24-36 hours with out heat. this should not present much of a problem.

    2) adults should be fed every other day on 5-7 crickets. babies and jouvaniles should be fed very day with 5-7 crickets.

    3)if the dogs bark a lot then possibly yes, if they dont then it should be 'a ok'.

    4)just a thermostat will be fine. dont worry about a rheostat i dont use them or find them handy.

    5)generally every 3-4 month the cage and everything in it should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. as you said spot clean no less than once a week.

    i tihnk it is good you are asking so many question before getting your gecko! i know lots of people buy the gecko the  ask questions and this pi***s me off!

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