
A few questions I'm thinking about starting a tao kwon do class

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would a 28 year old that's never done Martial arts before benefit much from a Tao kwon do class

and is Martial arts a good way to make new Friends

and how long to you start sparring and is there a good chance i could and having to sparr with a female

becoures i dont want to get knocked out by female




  1. Anyone would greatly benefit from Tae Kwon Do classes, and it is a great way to make friends. Normally you dont get to start sparring until you reach a certain belt level (depending on your school). Normally you are paired with people in your own weight class and height, sometimes you may be paired with a female if she is the only one who is same weight etc.  

  2. A 28 year would benefit from a Tae Kwon Do class. I'm a black belt and know this for a fact. Who you would spar with depends on who your teacher is and what they think your ability is. Some people will get injured by sparring but again it depends on who your teacher is. I a female and I always have to spar with other males but it always allows me to get experience and makes me have to come up with another tactic.

  3. Aside from the experince, strength, understand, ect....  Its a good way to meet people aside from a way to get tips an build your skills.  Thats usually for the more advanced an I think partners are randomed so its a matter of luck being 50/50.  Women arent all that strong when they hit your age however there are numerous factors at play.  

  4. yes you would benifit from it if you attend class regularly. i was a yellow belt when i started sparring and ive sparred both male and female so yes theres a chance you could get stuck w/ a female. and they shouldnt knock you out in a regular class. now theres a chance that might happen if you compete but in a competition they wont put you up against a female.

  5. Martial arts are a great way to meet new people.

    Anyone can benefit from it.

    Sparring is usually a separate class in TKD until you are an intermediate level.

    Most schools have u spar people your own size and gender, but obviously that doesn't always happen.  

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