
A few questions about Geneva..?

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1. Does it snow readily in winter over there?

2. Does the Gevena Uni have dorm room like accommodation?

3. Is it expensive to live there?

4. Are there any good indoor ice skating rinks open all year round?

5. Is it hard to find an ice skating school/or just lessons for adults?





  1. I am originally from Geneva, but things change, like everywhere.

    here is two links that might help you:

    No year-around ice-skating rink.  Geneva is not located in the Alps.

    University website:

    Snow in Geneva: sometimes no snow at all in Geneva and sometimes too much. Cannot predict the weather. Sorry

  2. Here is an additional set of information Servette forgot to tell you (I don't wonder, that friendly guy nowadays lives in L.A.:-) )

    3: Geneva is the most expensive town in the whole of Switzerland!

    4: Check this site:

    Well, I hope some more Romands (the people from the French speaking part of Switzerland that Geneva is part of) read this question and give the still missing info.

  3. 1)it used to snow in winter but those last 2 winters it didnt snow exept for one or two days

    2)I got no idea

    3)it is really expensive like a tiny flat in the suburbs is like 1000 $ per month but salaries r so high like a cashier at migros (the swiss wallmart) takes 4000 $

    4) i guess

    5) not really

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