
A few questions about Iron tablets?

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I have been taken ferrous sulphate tablets, 3 a day for 5 weeks now, and to be honest I am not feeling much better. I am still extremely tired and have very little energy. How long in general until they start to work?

My doctor said I had a low iron count but I wasnt aneamic, my symptoms include: sleeping long hours, waking up still feeling tired, having to nap in the afternoon, having no energy, lethargic, lost interest in things I used to enjoy, very pale skin, black circles under my eyes, weak legs, headaches etc

Can Iron tablets cause this feeling I have been having lately, I start by getting slowly more tired in the afternoon, feel drained, yawn excessively, feel very very tired, slightly dizzy and an undescribable "weird" feeling, kinda like disoriantation, this maybe lasts about an hour and then I feel ok again.

Do these symptoms sound like Aneamia (or what else) and how long until the tablets start to show an effect? What else can give me an energy boost? Thanks




  1. Iron deficency test: Go to the mirror and pull your lower eyelid and see if the color is red or flesh color. If its flesh colored you are lacking enough iron and should take a herbal iron like Floradix. It will take a month to see a difference. Iron carrys oxygen in your blood and if you dont have it you will feel tired, cold hands and feet, headaches, RLS, dull brittle hair, brittle nails, poor sleep, pale skin (see thru), shortness of breath, fatigue, poor concentration, low mood, ringing in the ears, irregular heart beats, cracks in the corner of the mouth, dizziness, fainting, sore tongue and canker sores. Add b12 and folic acid for best results

    It can take months and months depending on how low you were. Take b 12  (you can buy otc at health food store) and folic acid to help you even more. If you are drinking pop, diet pop, junk food, or coffee or energy drinks it will take even longer to get your iron levels up.

    Here is a mineral website to help you with determining what else could be causing you problems. Just click down the middle section and look at symptoms.

  2. I have low iron, and am Anemic. Like me, you could also have low blood pressure, which has many of the same symptoms. It could also be depression.

    I started taking the tablets, I was told that I would not notice a difference for a couple of months, however, I stopped taking them because they made me nauseous. Instead, I now take the shot, which I only need once a month, and it takes affect within 24hours.  

  3. you say you've addressed this with your doctor?  low iron count can make you feel very bad.  it can also take a long time to build your iron back up.  you may need more.  i donate plasma twice weekly and my iron is consistently low despite much iron intake from vitamins and food...   you actually sound depressed...ask your doctor about Zoloft or Prozac...

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