hi I have 3 silkies 2 females and 1 male and I also have 1 female
barred cochin. the silkies will be a year in aug and my cochin will
be a year in sept I hatched my silkies from eggs and got the cochin
at 2 days. I live in the city so they dont have a coop outside. I
made a large part of my basement into there coop but they do go
outside "to play" every day. (when its warm and not raining) my
chickens are very friendly to people and love to be held and pet. now
a few questions we had our basement waterproffed a few moths ago and
I had to send them to my moms, she has around 30 chickens of her own
with a lot of land. when I got them back my male was sneezing and is
still doing it. its been about 1 month. also my female silkies are
not laying eggs at all only my cochin lays around an egg a day. I
seen my male try to mate with the silkie but it did it on the side of
her. I feed my chickens a mix of egg layers, scratch, and cracked
corn. I have been putting the