
A few questions about lizards?

by Guest66046  |  earlier

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Ok a question about lizards

What are some low cost lizards legall in america?(Cost,cage,food all must be cheep and LOW MAINTnence)

Must Has a decent life span

Not huge but not to small that it can easily hide and not be seen running around a room

In my home there tends to be fairly loud music and 2nd hand smoke.I can keep music down and keep it out of smoke but it must be able to stand a little amount of each.

Not 1 that changes colers

What do i need for this lizard to keep happy and alive?

So plz help me find a lizard metting some if not all of these things




  1. Hello; have you considered a Leopard Gecko or an African Fat-tailed Gecko?

    They are relatively small but not too small, are generally inexpensive to keep and house as they can be kept in a 15-20 gallon terrarium their entire lives, (Leopard Geckos generally have a lower cost for the Gecko itself), they are both incredibly low maintenance, nocturnal so they don't need UV lighting, are very interesting looking, long-lived (10-15+ years when well cared-for) generally quite docile, and I am not sure what your level of experience with reptiles is; but they make great starter lizards. I am the type to have hard rock/punk/metal music blaring in my house and none of my Geckos have ever had a problem, so you should be fine in that regard, as well. ;)

    Here are care sheets on both species; in case you are interested:

    Leopard Gecko:

    African Fat-tailed Gecko:

    My biggest concern would be the smoke, as that is something that reptiles can be quite sensitive to. If it is a pretty rare occurrence that your lizard would be directly exposed to secondhand smoke, then your lizard shouldn't have any problems. But if it is a regular thing then it can be quite unhealthy for any animal; reptiles included. If there any way to keep the lizard in your room with the door closed or something to that effect to keep the smoke at bay, then you should be fine, but avoid having people smoke in the same room with your pet.

    Anyway; that is my two cents. ;)

    I hope this helps, and if you have any further questions at all on the subject; please feel free to message me and I will be more than happy to assist you.

    Good luck!

  2. An animal that might be better for you is a bearded dragon. They are relatively cheap and only require a heat lamp, an empty aquarium and a UV lamp for digestion. They can live to be around 10-15 years if taken care of well and given proper nutrition. They can get up to a foot. They are usually a little smaller than that, but every animal is different. The only thing I am worried about is the smoke. It is not very healthy for any animal. It does not change colors. To keep it happy you need to do enrichment. They love being misted in the morning. That is how they would get their water in the wild, by l*****g the dew off of their head in the morning. You would need a little grassy area to take them out to run once in a while, make sure it is either enclosed or he/she is on a leash. They are easily leash trained. Like I said before you would need a light for digestion. Sand bedding is usually used. Make sure to talk to your local pet store about it and do plenty of reaserch before you make a decision.

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