
A few questions about planned parenthood & pregnancy.?

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First, is planned parenthood free? I've looked on their site and couldn't find prices anywhere.

Second, I'm sixteen and my period is late, but four pregnancy tests say I'm not pregnant. Has anyone ever had problems with First Response? I'm not sure exactly how late I am, because I never really counted how long my cycle is. If anyone has any information, I would really appreciate it.




  1. You're only 16, so your still young. Your period really hasnt had time to get into a normal cycle yet. I used first response pregnancy tests, and never had a problem with them. If you are getting negative, after negative result... you are more than likely NOT pregnant.

    another thing, planned parenthood....NOT FREE. if you are pregnant and you're going there to either be examined or get an abortion...whatever... its not free...

    since you are 16 and sexually active, i think its time you start seeing an OB.GYN regularly... talk to you mother about that. say you want to go in for a yearly exam... get a pregnancy test done there.. its all confident (between you and the doc)  

  2. Planned Parenthood gives out free pregnancy tests, other then that I don't know what they charge, if they do.

    Call your local one and ask them.

    You CAN get prenatal care there.

    All the tests I used were EPT and they worked for me.

  3. Planned Parenthood has a sliding scale -- if you have no income, most services are free.

    If you are quite sure you are late (and it's been at least 3 weeks since you last had s*x), and the tests are negative, you are probably not pregnant.  If you aren't having symptoms, I'd relax.  It's not unusual to be late or miss a period from time to time.  

  4. first of all is your cycle irregular?

    if your period still doesnt come in a week retest again or visit the doc

  5. Most towns will have a place where you can go for free to get a pregnancy test. Check the yellow pages in the phone book. But since you have taken the First Response four times, and it has said that you are not pregnant, I would say that you don't have anything to worry about. A late period can be caused by excess stress, vitamin deficiency, and other disorders. Do you have a OB/GYN doctor? If you do, make an appointment to get checked out. And talk to your mom, or other female person who knows what they're talking about. I've had to deal with this stuff too, and it helps to have someone to talk to. Email me if you have any questions.

  6. planned parent hood should be free for you. they will do a pregnancy test but if it is possible they won't treat you. they don't treat pregnant people they are only there to help prevent teens from getting pregnant

  7. You are young and your period just may be a little late this month.... but if you really need to go to planned parenthood, they go by your income, so if you don't work, it won't cost you anything.

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