
A few questions before the plug gets pulled! [for swimmers]: in high school swimming do you get to learn flip?

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turns ? also how much sleep should i be gettin on a day to day basis? and what would be a good lunch to eat that will fill me up but be nutritious? that's alot but just wanted to clear some things before it shuts down answer all three if you can 10 points for b/a and thumbs up for everyone who answers!




  1. 1) Yes if you are on a high school team you do need to learn to flip turn. If you need any advice try asking coaches, it is actually a hard thing to type out- just remeber mind over matter. Just don't be scared!

    2)You need at leats 8-9 hours of sleep if you are practicing competivly every day or 8-7 if only a couple days a week.

    3) For food- lots of carbs! carbs! carbs! It sounds bad but energizes you. I know alot of people drink alot of Redbull or Amp'd's. But you crash usually before it kicks in completely, and you can feel almost every drop of it in your stomach or mouth when swimming. Oatmeal for breakfast before practice or meet because its sticks to your stomach and makes you feel 'not hungry' during the day so its less tempting to dig in to junk. Health bars, wheat sanwhiches etc for lunch- beans, pasta for dinner. Stick with water or Propel. Any food really will be 'burned' as we say. But still eat right, it makes your insides feel better when racing so you can concentrate on the race not what you can feel in your stomach. The snack shacks are tempting- but its the devils candy. Be cautious. HAhah.



  2. Well, if you don't already know how to do a flip turn, then your coach will most definantly at least try to teach you how to do it. It will then be up to you how fast you can learn it and master it.

    As for sleep, that's hard to judge. I swim competitively, but I only average around 5 hours of sleep each night (on school nights). But recomended is around 7-10 hours each night.

    A great lunch to eat if you are going to have a compitition that day or the next day is to try and eat some kind of pasta or bread (or anything with a lot of good carbs in it). Also make sure you get a good serving of fruits and vegetables. Try to stay away from soda and drink things such as gatorade, water, or juice.

    I hope this helps.

  3. ok well most people know how to do flip turns before they start highschool swimming, but I'm sure if you ask the coach he will teach you.  They are not difficult, but i know at first its hard because you're afraid you're going to hit the wall.  Also, in highschool swimming, you can eat almost anything and it will all get burned off as soon as you get in the pool.  My typical lunch at school during season was a bagel, carrots, milk, and like a powerbar.  But my dinners were big and breakfasts were like yogurt and cereal.  And I didn't gain any weight at all that whole season. Eat vegetables and lots of bananas.  Don't drink milk or eat dairy before practice or meets because it makes your stomach feel sick.   Swimmers burn off a lot of carbs, and you'll need more carbs than normal so I wouldn't worry to much about eating.  After season though, get back to eating better and cut back on carbs and stuff.  And sleep is very hard to get during season, because you're almost always in the pool and and when you're not you're doing homework.  Also, most teams have morning practices that usualy start at like 5:30, but don't be discouraged by the little sleep!  I LOVED highschool season.  But I wish you the best of luck and I can tell you from experience that you will be in great shape!

  4. yes, they generally expect you to have learned flip turns already before you join the swim team. however, i am pretty sure that the coach would teach you if you ask him. that's what they are there for: to help you improve. a guy on my team didn't really know how to do dives and my coach spent a lot of time teaching him. for sleep, you should try to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep, especially since you will be practicing every day. i try to sleep before 10:30 everyday if i can do it. for your meals, definetly eat stuff with carbohydrates!! lots of carbs!!! spagetti, rice, stuff like that. make sure you eat healthy. junk food is okay sometimes but not too much. you can bring fruit, crackers, trail mix, yogurt, stuff like that for snacks. also, bananas are really good because they have a lot of potassium and they help with cramps at swim practice. good luck!!

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