
A few questions for my sociology homework. Can't find the answers. Help?

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1) In the UK, who is the Home Secretary, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Foreign Secretary, Ministor for Education and the Minister for Culture.

2) In the US, who is the president and what political party does he represent?

3) What's the difference between a broadsheet and a tabloid paper?

4) On average, how much does a university student have to pay each year for tuition fees? (in the UK)

5) What is the Child Support Agency and what sort of criticisms have been made of it?

6) What arguements are there for and against this question: Do you think women chat more than men?

Sorry, I know there's loads there, but I'm really stuck, and I'm not the brightest spark.

Thanks in advance!




  1. a google or a wiki will give you all the answers.

  2. Can only answer a few...hope it helps!  

    #2.  George W. Bush, a Republican

    #3.  A broadsheet newspaper is the standard full size, while a tabloid is the smaller paper, such as the Enquirer or Star, also often used as a free shopper or advertising medium.

    #6   I would say women chat more than men because; first of all, there are more women than men on this earth, many are not employed and have more free time and those that do work, always seem to find time to keep in touch with friends and family more then men!  (For).

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