
A few questions for people in the know about PCOS?

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I have been diagnosed with PCOS and am considering my options. (I've been trying to conceive for over 12 months) I'm in my early 20's and have been diagnosed in the pre-cystic condition (there aren't any cysts visible on ultrasound as yet).

So, how can I improve my chances of conceiving without medication (I want to try it without medication first)?

Will my PCOS progress to the point it becomes near impossible to get pregnant?

How long is my window of ability to get pregnant with minimal assistance?

And also, will treatment with metformin decrease my weight caused by PCOS?

Any help would be great!




  1. I'm 26, almost 27, and also just been diagnosed with PCOS.

    I have been ttc for 21 months and am just dying to be prescribed clomid and metformin!

    I have got cysts/follicles on my ovaries, rest of symptoms are quite mild, and i'm only bothered about the inability to concieve. I'm not really overweight though could be thinner. I'm a size 14 and 10 stone, 5'4. All my GP suggested was to eat healthier, exercise more in a bid to lose weight. I'm presuming you've been told this too. From everything i have read online you can attempt to reverse PCOS by doing this. Met would help.

    Following a low carb diet is advised. The red days with slimming world is ideal.

    He has refered me to a gynaecologist and said that they would more than likely prescribe met. I'm going to ask for clomid too.... I feel like i have put 21 months in... dont want to wait any more! I been so patient (well patient-ish lol)

    Also from what i have read PCOS is so different in every woman... we would just be guessing if we said how wide your window of opportunity is or whether it will progress.

    I admire your determination for wanting to concieve unassisted. Me... I just want to concieve full stop! Doesnt bother me how i get the end result.

    Its good to know there are other women out there who are going through the same thing as me... we're not alone

    Hopefully we'll both be in the pregnancy section asking questions soon.... lots of baby dust for u and everyone else TTC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...

  2. Idk what that is but you should get invetro.

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