
A few questions for the people who have been to a live WWE Event?

by  |  earlier

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1- If you sit up on the top section of the arena, is there still a chance that your sign will be shown? ive been to 2 events but i never made signs but i was thinking about making some but if theres no chance then i don't wanna waste time.

2- Has WWE ever done kiss cam, or asked someone questions during commercial breaks and gave stuff away? tell any stories or if they normally do that when you went to a Raw, Smackdown, or ECW event.




  1. 1. yeah, they show signs if they are good enough

    2. yes. on saturday, maria gave away four FREE front row seats. and when its on TV, they do the kiss cam. sometimes, they will throw t-shirts to people on the floor

    ive been to many live events. so if you have any questions, send me a message  

  2. They give away stuff and do kiss cams.

    But your sign probably wont be shown.

  3. 1.Yeah there's always a chance,especially if it's a good sign!!

    2.Yes,they usually do the kiss cam at all the events!!They also shoot tee shirts out into the crowd,and go around w/ the camera showing alot of the signs people bring!!

  4. i never set at top but u make funny sign usallly they look at it

    i got kiss cam raw i was wit my girl

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