
A few questions on Weightloss?

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I'm an extremely overweight 18 year old who used to be quite skinny. At this point in my life, I am the heaviest I have ever been at just under 240 lbs. I'm tired constantly, sweat a lot, and have back pains, and quite honestly I'm just tired of looking at myself in the mirror. Ideally, I want to drop at least a 100lbs, and I'm the type of person that if I set out to do something, I want to do it right. As a college student, I will be getting tons of exercise just walking back and forth between all day classes, and I already have to climb 8 flights of stairs just to get to my room (Hurrah for crappy but expensive dorms)

My question is this... I know most websites recommend a calorie deficit of 500 or so, but I consume like 3000 calories a day. Since I consume so many calories, is it alright for me to decrease my calorie intake to 1200 (what normal, less obese people shoot for) or will that shock my body into "starvation mode" and cause it to store more fat?

Also as far as exercise goes, I lug around a 10lb backpack everywhere I go and have to walk everywhere on campus and climb the stairs to my dorm, should this be sufficient exercise or should I be trying to go to the gym? Right now, I think the gym would be very embarrassing at my current weight.




  1. A lot of the information out there is wrong. See this site and educate your self on the right information so you can be thin again.

  2. If you are considering starting a weight loss program, there are a few questions you should ask before you begin.

    How Many Calories Will I Eat?

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends that anyone considering a weight loss program asks for details about how many calories will be consumed daily.

    Most people can lose weight by following a diet that contains approximately 1,500 calories a day.

    For diets under 1,500 calories, the FTC recommends that you check with your health care provider to ensure the plan meets your nutritional needs.

    It is unsafe to consume fewer than 1,200 calories a day unless you are directed to do so by your doctor and kept under medical supervision

    Next, you should ask what foods are required and/or limited from the eating plan.

    A sensible weight loss program will tailor itself around the advice given in the American Dietary Guidelines. This will include allowing several daily servings of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Healthful diets will also include lean meats (or other protein sources for vegetarians) and low-fat dairy products.

    You should be wary of any weight loss program that cuts out entire food groups

    Additionally the FTC suggests that you inquire if the program includes regular physical activity. Any reputable weight loss plan should recommend its participants take part in regular, moderate physical activity.

    Any weight loss program that suggests you can experience long-term weight loss success without incorporating physical activity is just plain lyi

  3. It's important to exercise AND diet at the same time. Even thirty minutes of additional continuous, brisk walking a day will really help you not only to lose weight, but keep your heart healthy and metabolism going. I wouldn't recomment 1200, it's too drastic. Start with cutting to 2200 instead, and then scale back to 1800.  

  4. Well... getting motivated is your first step.

    1) Get a friend to do the same workout plan as you. It seriously works, I swear. Because when you're not in the mood to work out, your friend should be the one to push you and get you pumped to get up and go. Same thing for when your friend is the one who's not feelin it. You guys could even make a game out of it to see who can do more and make bets. Loser fills the other's gas tank. (I bet you'll be a little motivated then!) haha or it could be loser buys lunch... or something small...

    2) Download a lot of fast pace music that makes you happy and in a great mood and put all of them on a playlist on your mp3 player and sing the lyrics in your head to every song when you work out... On a treadmill or running outside, this does wonders... A lot of the time I forget that I'm even running.

    3) Buy a clothing item or break out an old one that you can no longer fit and hang it in your kitchen.. preferably next to the fridge or snack cabinet. TRUST me, you'll think twice before you get ready to throw down on some cookies.

    As for exercising, workout 6 days a week, resting for one day. That gym idea sounds great... maybe do cardio (like running) for 30 minutes up to an hour a day. Include strength training afterwards, like crunches and lifting light weights (3-5 libs) for toning up.

    I have a fun abdominal exercise you might or might like.. But I find it fun rather tan crunches. Make sure you've got a lot of room on a carpeted floor. Sit indian style with your hands clamped to you legs (shins) and roll around the floor. Because you're not using your arms and legs, you only using momentum and abs to roll. Do it for like 10-15 minutes during a tv show until a commercial break. I laugh the entire time I do it, (which is double the strength training because laughing works your abs as well!)

    As for exercising, workout 6 days a week, resting for one day. Do cardio (like a fast pace walk or jog) for 30 minutes up to an hour a day. Include strength training afterwards, like crunches and lifting light weights (3-5 libs) for toning up. Since you already walk a lot and climb stairs (which is great by the way) you could change it up a bit with exercise with low impact, like getting on an elliptical trainer at the gym. You could use the exercise bike, or use a real bike. It's up to you.

    I have a fun abdominal exercise you may or may not like.. But I find it fun rather than crunches. Make sure you've got a lot of room on a carpeted floor. Sit indian style with your hands clamped to you legs (shins) and roll around the floor. Because you're not using your arms and legs, you only using momentum and abs to roll. Do it for like 10-15 minutes during a tv show until a commercial break. I laugh the entire time I do it, (which is double the strength training because laughing works your abs as well!) By the way I got a six pack doing this, so I promise it works.

    Oh and here's a tip, drink a glass or two of water BEFORE AND AFTER every meal or snack, or anything! It'll help you feel more full and eat less.

    Just try some of these things, and good luck! I hope I helped.

  5. as for cutting calories, i think you should work in steps. you say you consume 3000 a day? thats VERY MUCH!! i would start off by stepping it down to 2500 for about a week, then the next week to 2000. the next week, go for 1800, then 1500. once you feel comfortable with finding all the right foods to eat THEN you can cut down to 1200. you will lose in the first week just by cutting 500 out! guaranteed. just stick to it and good luck!

  6. well, start of slow at first, reducing your intake to 2800 calories a week, drink water and every week, drop 10-15 calories. By doing this and getting exercise and enough fresh fuit and veg, you should lose weight :D hope i helped xx

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