
A few questions on getting a belly button piercing...?

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1) Okay I'm 12 and I wanted to get my belly button pierced but since I'm still going through puberty and all, I was wondering if it would make a huge hole as I get bigger and then I'll have scars and stretch marks?

2) Does it hurt?

3) Will it get infected easily?

4) Do most look good?




  1. 1) probably not, but you might face a higher risk of your piercing being rejected as a result of growing. but if the piercing doesnt reject, then no, i dont think thered be any stretch marks or scars.

    2) lol for me, it hurt like h**l. but some people say they didnt feel a thing. and even though it hurt soo badly for me, it was worth it. and the worst pain only lasted like 30 seconds. awful, but ultimately bearable.

    3) yes. if you dont take care of it properly. whatever you do, dont slack on cleaning it after a month or so. belly button piercings take the longest heal and are most prone to infection because they are in an area thats usually in motion, and the belly button also collects alot of dirt and sweat. gross, i know, but true.

    4) well...most do. depends on your body type, and age as well. i wont lie, if youre only 12 it will probably look trashy on you. i definitely recommend waiting a few years. in my opinion, the minimum age should be 16, but you seem pretty mature, so maybe 15 for you.

    good luck with whatever you decide =]

  2. 1) This is why most places will not pierce you until you're at least 16, because you're mostly done growing. At 12, you're still getting bigger and you could have problems. I would say wait until you're at least 15, I know it's 3 years but you probably won't want this done in a few anyways.

    2) I've had mine done and so has my mom. it definately does not hurt as bad as a lip ring or a facial piercing but like any piercings, it hurts. I would say an ear piercing would be a 3/10 for pain, a belly button piercing a 5/10 and a lip ring an 8/10

    3. It is very easy to snag it on things, especially clothes. Snag it hard and it will get infected. The pain is hard to deal with too when healing, and if it gets infected, it hurts. But I would say it's not as easily infected as you may think, but it does have problems.

    4. not on a 12 year old. You shouldn't even be remotely showing your tummy until 16, if not older.

    Trust me, by the time you're 14 or 15, you won't want a belly ring and you're going to realize it was a mistake if you do get it.

    I wanted a belly ring at age 12 because britney spears had one, I'm 16 now and I am so glad I never got one back then. I waited until I was 14 and it is removed now, but I'm glad I didn't get it that young.

  3. depends on the person, but its most likely going to hurt.

    it can get infected easily.

    i think it looks cute.

    and for your first question, i think you're to young to get your belly button pierced.

  4. your only 12.

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